Lexii 1700 Revisited

Lexii 1700 Revisited, I wanted to touch on her again, because she is so pretty and awesome.  Technical note though, “which is hotter me or..?!?” gets a bit annoying after the 3rd time.  To me, it seems that “compliment fishing” like that is just not cool, i mean i’m mad for you, lol, because it speaks to someone with not alot of self esteem, so please stop using that phrase on posts, like yesterday and i didn’t even know her 5 minutes ago and it immediately gave me, looking at her profile, the “hee bee jeeby’s”.  You’re also waaay too pretty to sink down to that phrase, other than that, she’s a freaking rock star!  I’d pay her to deeply smell her feet.  Please enjoy the traffic, Goddess!

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